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Dry-type Transformer Components And Functions

Dry-type transformer is an important piece of electrical equipment and a very important electrical appliance. The structure and main functions of the dry-type transformer are being continuously improved , so as to meet the needs of everyone. Improved efficiency, enhanced functionality, and improved structure are all integral parts of the dry-type transformer.

Dry-type transformer components and functions as follow:

  • Absorbs moisture: This epoxy cast dry-type transformer is equipped with silica gel inside, oil in the oil conservator is connected to the atmosphere via a moisture absorber, and a desiccant absorbs moisture and impurities in the air to ensure that the internal windings remain well insulated. Discoloration and deterioration of the silica gel can easily lead to winding blocks.
  • Gauge for oil level: In winter, when the temperature is low and the load is light, the oil level does not change much, or it drops slightly; in summer, when the load is heavy, the oil temperature rises, and the oil level rises slightly.
  • Pillow made of oil: To prevent over-oxidation of the epoxy cast dry-type transformer oil, adjust the oil volume of the oil tank, and the upper part has a refueling hole.
  • Explosive pipes: The fuel tank should be protected from pressure buildup due to sudden accidents.
  • Thermometer for signal: Send out signals indicating the operating temperature of epoxy cast dry-type transformers. This is the oil temperature of the epoxy cast dry-type transformer’s upper layer, and the coil temperature is 10 °C higher than the oil temperature. National standards specify a maximum working temperature of 105°C for epoxy cast dry-type transformer windings (i.e. when ambient temperature is 40°C), an upper layer temperature of 95°C, and a monitoring temperature (upper oil temperature) of 85°C or less.
  • Switching taps: Increase or decrease the number of winding turns to change the voltage ratio. U1/U2=W1/W2,U1W2=U2W1,U2=U1W2/W1。 In general, epoxy cast dry-type transformers have no load voltage regulation, and therefore must be unplugged: There are usually three grades:Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ,+5%、0%、-5%.
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