Choosing The Right Winding Material For A Transformer?

What is Transformer Winding?

Windings are the coils of transformers. There are two wire ends on a winding, and the one in the middle of the winding is called the center tap, and the other is called the middle tap. There are one or more coils on a winding. A transformer winding consists of bundles of copper coils, each with a different number of turns. It depends primarily on the input and output power supplies, otherwise it depends on the voltage range. The transformer winding diagram is as follows:

What material is used for transformer winding?

There are three main materials needed for winding transformers: enameled wire, insulating materials, and impregnating materials. Here is a more detailed explanation:

  • Enameled wire:Among the enameled wires, sand bag wire and silk covered wire are the most common. Wires must have a good electrical conductivity, adequate heat resistance, and corrosion resistance. Normally, high-strength polyester enameled wire should be used.
  • Insulating materials:For a winding transformer, the isolation between the coil frame layers and the isolation between the windings should be made from insulating materials. The general transformer frame material can be made from phenolic cardboard, and the layers can be isolated using polyester film or telephone paper. Yellow wax cloth may also be used.
  • Impregnating materials:A transformer is impregnated with insulating varnish after it has been wound, which increases its mechanical performance, improves insulation performance, and prolongs its service life. In general, cresol varnish can be used as the impregnating material.

Aluminum and copper are the most commonly used conductors in transformer windings. While copper material is strong and electrically conductive, aluminum is less expensive and lighter than copper. Despite the fact that aluminum conductors are lighter and generally less expensive than copper, they must have a larger cross-sectional area to carry currents with an equivalent level of performance. Copper windings are typically used for large transformers, while aluminum conductors are typically used for small and medium-sized transformers.

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