en English

Month: March 2023

Doris Chan

How to Process Copper Foil in High-Frequency Transformer

Copper foil processing is a crucial aspect of high-frequency transformer design and application. With the increasing demand for high-frequency transformers in various industries such as telecommunications, medical equipment, and power electronics, the need for efficient and effective copper foil processing methods has become more important than ever before.

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Doris Chan

How To Identify And Fix High-Frequency Transformer Loop Issues?

Despite their prevalence, high-frequency transformer loop issues can be challenging to identify and fix, especially for those who are not familiar with the intricacies of electronic circuitry. This is why it is crucial to understand what high-frequency transformer loop issues are and how to diagnose and fix them.

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Doris Chan

How To Calculate The Air Gap In A High-Frequency Transformer?

The air gap in a high-frequency transformer refers to the distance between the core and the windings of the transformer. The core is typically made of a ferromagnetic material such as iron, and it helps to increase the transformer’s magnetic flux density, which is essential for energy transfer.

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