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Unicreed Blog

Doris Chan

What is a Step Down Transformer

With a step down transformer, high voltage power from the power grid is reduced to low voltage for various electrical equipment to meet their needs. The step down transformer is a transformer that reduces the output voltage and converts the higher voltage at the input into a lower output voltage. In other words, it can convert a low current high voltage to a high-current low voltage, which is the purpose of a step down transformer.

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Doris Chan

What is a step up transforme?

A step-up transformer is a transformer used to change a low-voltage alternating current into a higher voltage alternating current with the same frequency, which is secondary current is higher than the primary voltage. In other words, there are more secondary winding than primary winding. For example, if you want to use a 220V device in some place with 110V electricity, you need a step-up transform.

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