en English

Month: January 2023

Doris Chan

The complete guide to triple insulated wires

The triple-insulated wire is a new high-performance insulated wire that has been developed in the last few years in the world. Wires of this type consist of three layers of insulation, with a core wire in the middle. The first layer of the film is a golden polyamide film, also known as golden film abroad. The thickness of this film is several microns, but it can withstand high voltage pulses of 3kV;

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Doris Chan

In high-frequency transformer winding, is enamel wire replaceable by triple insulated wire?

YES, In the same specification, the outer diameter of a triple insulated wire is larger than that of an enameled wire. There is no problem with using triple insulated wire instead of enameled wire as long as the bobbin has enough reserve space. Wires that are triple insulated are frequently used in high-frequency transformers that are subject to safety regulations, as they can produce high current densities and a small creepage distance.

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